If it’s time for a new septic system, make sure you’re prepared for the process. This preparation includes taking careful notes during the installation itself. You might think that caring for your septic system begins after it’s up and running. However, proper care for your septic system begins as your septic system is being installed. Here are four important items to note during the installation.
Tank Site
One of the most important aspects of installation is the location of the tank site. This is the first area you’ll go if experiencing trouble with your septic tanks. When septic tank drains get clogged or begin to overflow, raw sewage can seep through the ground. You’ll be able to see, and smell, the problem directly over the septic tank site.
Seepage Field
The next important piece of information you’ll need to know is the location of the seepage field. This is where excess water goes before being absorbed into the soil. Once you know the location of the seepage field, ensure it’s not overburdened by excess weight. Things like an above ground swimming pool, cars, and other vehicles can damage your seepage field. Weight and soil vibration can cause the walls of the field to collapse. If that happens, you’ll need a new system.
Riser Pipe Installation
Your septic tank needs emptying once every three to five years, depending on its amount of usage and the size of your home. Make sure the installers of your septic system include a riser pipe. This is the pipe that runs from the tank to above ground. With this, the septic tank can be emptied without disturbing the soil.
Clean-out Drains
Finally, once your septic system is installed, you’ll need to locate the clean-out drains. These are small drains located around the perimeter of your home near the bathrooms and kitchen. Those drains run directly to the septic tank and need to be covered at all times. If not, your septic tank could be flooded during the next heavy rainstorm.
Don’t take chances with your septic system. Talk to Plumbing Authority Inc. about proper installation of a new septic system. Call us at (647) 992-7473.